Midweek Ministries

Wednesday evenings are designed for the entire family!  We have a budget-friendly meal followed by engaging ministry environments for all ages.  Our midweek ministries focus on deepening our relationship with the Lord and one another!


7:30 AM  Men's Prayer Breakfast

10:00 AM  Women's Morning Bible Study


5:30 PM - 6:00 PM      Midweek Meal

$5.00 each with a $20 max per family

 (RSVP is encouraged)

6:00 PM - 7:15 PM   Bible Studies & Classes for all ages

6:00 PM - 7:15 PM   Preschoolers - Mission Friends

6:00 PM - 7:15 PM  Grade Schoolers - Bible Buddies & Bible Drill

6:00 PM - 7:15 PM    Youth - Worship & Bible Study


Midweek Mornings

Wednesday Morning Bible Studies

Men's Breakfast & Bible Study - 7:30 AM

The Men's Breakfast is a great way to start a Wednesday morning! Each week a group of men gather to study the Word, fellowship, and pray for one another. Men of all ages are invited!

From Beginning to Forever - Women's Bible Study - 10:00 AM

In Beginning to Forever, Elizabeth Woodson guides you through the story of the Bible, showing how all 66 books combine to form one unified narrative. Weaving together the rich theological truths found in Genesis through Revelation, this 8-session study shows the eternal significance of what God is doing in the world and how he invites us to be a part of it.


The Gospel & Conversion (Co-Ed Class)

The gospel is the most important subject in the world, and applying its benefits through faith is the most important step a person could take! This 14-week study facilitates reflection and discussion of essential Scripture passages, revealing God’s answers to some of the most significant questions you could ever ask.

Divorce Care (Co-Ed Class)

DivorceCare is a weekly seminar/support group that will help you heal from the hurt.  It’s a warm, caring environment led by people who understand what you are going through.  Gain hope for your future.

Gathered in His Name (Co-Ed Class)

A weekly celebration of Christ’s resurrection from the dead remains a staple of Christian belief and practice. But how do we decide what happens when the church gathers? Does God really care about the details of our services? This 14-week study takes a deep dive into what God’s word has to say about worship in the life of the church.

Grief Share (Co-Ed Class)

A Griefshare support group is a safe, welcoming place where people understand the difficult emotions of grief.  At this 13-week group, you will receive valuable guidance and tips, leading you to relief, comfort, and peace of mind.

Ezra/Nehemiah (Ladies only)

These powerful historical books tell the story of God’s steadfast love for his people after their return from exile in Babylon. This 12-week study will reveal God’s mercy and faithfulness, and encourage Christians toward sincere repentance and persevering hope.

Ruth/Esther (Men Class)

These remarkable historical books recount two of Scripture’s most moving stories: a displaced widow in search of a new home, and a courageous queen intent on saving her people from destruction. This 12-week study explains the biblical text with clarity and passion, leading us on a journey to discover the God who hears the cries of his people and remains faithful to his promises.